
Texas One Shot was born in Austin, TX during the Ice Age that was Winter Storm Uri. After many hours of testing it was presented to BCA Rules Master Randy ‘Pops’ Geottlicher(get liquor) who after watching several matches played found the game interesting enough to arraign a tournament in July of 2022 with a group of his best BCA instructors to see if they could break the game. Texas One Shot passed the test. After many more hours of play the Phat Rack was introduced to the game.
The game went public in the Fall of 2022 and was soon being played in Austin pool halls such as The Grand, Slick Willie’s and of course Skinny Bob’s. It has now been played in every major pool hall in Austin including Betsy's, Clicks, Fast Eddie’s, The Warehouse and Eddie’s Tavern. The game has been extremely well received and with the power of the internet has been exposed to 11 countries, 40 US States and 66 Texas cities.
The power of the game is its simplicity. In 9ball a player can always win in One Shot but only if the 9ball moves. So, if you could have won, shoot again. It is that simple. Often described as Carem 9ball the game is more challenging than it first appears, but players of all skill levels quickly realize it will improve their overall game. Spectators enjoy the game as well. It is fun to watch as a player determines the best way to attack the 9ball or find a way to play defense. Until all the balls stop rolling there is a chance the 9ball will move.
This is about more than just the game. Pop’s has long sought to see Billiards played in the Olympics. We are dedicated to seeing that come true. No matter the game Billiards is deserving to be in the Olympics and we strive for the day a Texan can play for a Gold Medal. We also would like to see Billiards played in the Special Olympics so we have made the Special Olympics of Texas our Charity of choice. We ask Texans around the world to support the effort to get Billiards into the International Olympics and the Special Olympics!