This is a game for Show-offs and Badasses! It is intended to encourage the tough shots and the seemingly impossible. You can playing it safe by hiding the cue ball and waiting for ball in hand and then break out the ol' putter or you can let it all hang out and make that bank-combo noone saw coming. You decide the strategies that work best for you. Enjoy the freedom of not needing to make a ball to shoot again. Practice your caroms and shape while you kick some butt! You should find yourself shouting for joy and doing High Fives in no time.
Talking smack has been a mainstay in Dive Bars across the State. We’re not saying it’s okay to be rude and shout in the middle of someone’s shot. But if your opponant is only thinking about the shot and not what color someone’s shoes are you have a better chance of making said shot. Here are some things you may hear around the table:
You could have won... Good job, the 9ball moved.
And you still can... The ball did not go in but it is still your shot!
It moved... A tribute to Sienfeld, good shot!
Nice putt... Way to set yourself up.
Good slop... It’s 9ball, that counts.
All you have to do is move the 9... It sounds easy but that looks hard.
Now that’s a Phat Rack... What a juicy looking break!
Play the game and send in what you hear around the table. We would love to add it to the list. Let’s be Family friendly, now.